在维也纳街头最拉风的车不是满街跑的宝马奔驰和各种叫不上名字的跑车而是四轮马车,带有古典欧洲皇家味道的四轮马车是维也纳最时尚的交通方式。 乘坐由两匹高头大马拉着的四轮马车穿梭在巴洛克建筑遍布的维也纳街头有种穿越之感,让人仿佛回到了中世纪的欧洲。它已成为维也纳街头一道独特的风景,哒哒的马蹄声诉说着维也纳辉煌的过去。
The most popular cars on the streets of Vienna are not BMW Mercedes-Benz and unnamed sports cars, but four-wheeled carriages with the flavor of classical European royal, the most fashionable mode of transportation in Vienna. Shuttling through the streets of Vienna, which is dotted with Baroque buildings, in a carriage pulled by two tall horses, it feels as if you have returned to medieval Europe. The carriage has become a unique landscape on the streets of Vienna, with the sound of horses' hoofs telling the glorious past of Vienna.